How Much Do Braces Cost Monthly?

Braces are much more affordable now. In addition, there are a variety of options to make them less obvious. When researching how much do braces cost monthly, you first need to decide which option is right for your path to a better smile. Meeting with an orthodontist familiar with a variety of orthodontic treatments to discuss options would be good first step.

West Windsor Orthodontics is a local leader in orthodontic care. Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis and his staff are familiar with a variety of braces treatments and any associated costs. Dr. Nicozisis has decades of specialized orthodontic experience. We will be able to discuss your treatment options and the monthly cost while we develop your treatment plan.

Monthly Costs

The monthly cost of braces will depend on a number of factors. Which type of braces you’ll need is one. There are a few different types of braces. All braces use pressure to move teeth to a better alignment resulting in straighter teeth. What differs is the material used. Traditional braces have become smaller and less obvious but still contain metal brackets and archwires. Ceramic, or clear, braces use ceramic brackets which are clear or tooth colored. Clear aligners, like Invisalign, consist of polymers.

Another cost factor is how often you’ll need to see the orthodontist. Each visit has it’s own cost. Emergency repairs to your braces will also increase monthly costs. As emergency visits can be expensive, taking care of your braces and avoiding foods or activities will will damage them should be avoided. Any other dentistry requirements will have an impact on cost. Removing teeth and filling cavities will add to the cost of your treatment.

Orthodontist Near Me

Determining how much do braces cost monthly requires an exam and consultation with an experienced orthodontist. At this time your orthodontist will discuss treatment options and their associated costs. You should have your insurance information ready so you can calculate how much you will need to pay out of pocket. Many orthodontists offer payment plans for out of pocket costs. Choose one you can easily pay monthly.

West Windsor Orthodontics offers affordable and quality orthodontic care. Additionally, Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis is the leading orthodontic specialist here in New Jersey. Please call us today to learn more about braces and address your concerns. As always, we are excited to hear from you and to discuss your options.