Braces Cost

Are you curious about what the cost of braces will be for you or your child? It is important to know that the cost of braces will vary, depending on what all needs to happen in the mouth to straighten the teeth. The older a patient is, the more costs will change, as well. Plus, you also need to know what the cost will be for traditional braces, clear braces, or Invisalign. To find out more, the professionals at West Windsor Orthodontics can help.

How to Determine How Much Braces Will Cost for a Patient

Braces CostThe most important factor in determining how much braces cost is the distance from where your smile is now compared to the smile you want to have in the future. If your teeth are nearly straight, the cost and time of having braces are far less than someone who has all crooked teeth. The only way to give a specific quote on how much it will cost is to get an exam done and consult with our professionals.

What If You Would Prefer Aligners?

If you want to go the route of Invisalign for adults or teens, then the costs depend more on the current condition of your mouth and what your goal smile looks like. Most people get incredibly good results when using Invisalign, so long as they wear them long enough and change them when it is time to do so. If you cannot commit yourself to keeping them in for at least 20 hours of your day, plus keeping them clean each time you eat or drink, then traditional braces may be the best option you have.

Reach Out to West Windsor Orthodontics for a Quote

Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis and the team at the West Windsor Orthodontics are experts in dentistry and orthodontics. We are happy to answer any questions pertaining to the cost and process of Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, and braces in West Windsor, New Jersey. If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nicozisis, please contact West Windsor Orthodontics at 609-275-0100.