Why Do I Have to Wear Retainers After Braces Treatment?

When getting braces in West Windsor, we all know how long the entire process takes. Some had their braces on for 24 months, while others may have been told to wear them for even longer. The point is, after some time, people look forward to seeing their teeth brace-free and are most likely tired of having something adhered to their mouths 24/7.

Nothing is more satisfying than finally removing the braces once the process has been completed. There’s nothing obstructing your teeth, and everything just feels different after taking them off. It’s exciting to finally see your teeth again.

However, after getting one’s braces taken out, the orthodontist will require the patient to wear retainers after braces treatment. But why is that exactly?

In this article, we’ll explain the importance of wearing retainers after braces treatment, as well as other necessary information such as the different kinds of retainers and how to properly take care of them.

So if you’re making the transition from braces to retainers, then keep reading ahead to learn more!

What are Retainers?

Retainers are mouthpieces that are custom-made to fit your teeth. Every patient who has undergone braces treatment is required to wear retainers after. Depending on which kind of retainer you get–which will be explained further in this article, these mouthpieces are typically made out of acrylic and wire, designated to keep your teeth in place after the removal of braces.

The Importance of Wearing Retainers After Braces

In order to maintain the straight alignment of one’s teeth after having the braces removed, retainers are often prescribed to prevent the teeth from shifting. Once the braces get removed, the teeth will have a natural tendency to move positions and it’s because there is no force that is keeping your teeth remaining in that area.

Different Types of Retainers

The three most common types of retainers are the Hawley retainer, bonded retainer, and the clear plastic retainer. Compare and contrast the three options to find out which kind would work best for your situation.

#1 – Hawley retainer

The Hawley retainer is built out of acrylic or hard plastic and metal wire. They are tailor-made to the shape of your mouth in order to have a snug fit behind your upper set of teeth on the roof of your mouth. The retainer is removable, so you’ll need to take it off while you’re eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, and when you actually need to clean the retainer.

Depending on your circumstance, you’ll need to wear the retainer for the whole day or only at nighttime. It’s made out of sturdy material but may need to be replaced after some time. Compared to other retainers, the Hawley retainer is the easiest to repair.

#2 – Clear plastic retainer

Clear plastic retainers are made from a mold of the shape of your teeth. They are also removable, but unlike the Hawley retainer, they are made out of plastic–so no wires for this one. Patients opt for this kind of retainer because it’s less bulky and more comfortable compared to the other one. 

This type of retainer is not meant to last for a long time so they’ll also have to be replaced eventually. At the start of this phase, your orthodontist will actually provide you with more than one set of clear retainers should one break easily.

#3 – Bonded retainer

A bonded retainer, unlike the first two mentioned, is not removable. Rather, it is glued to the back of one’s teeth. This type of retainer is much sturdier and can last for years, not to mention since it’s adhered to the back of the teeth, there won’t be instances wherein the patient will forget to put them back in since it’s always there.

In terms of cleaning, you will need to use special floss in order to reach the crevices blocked by the retainer. Additionally, you have to avoid crunchy food to prevent the retainer from breaking.

How Long Should You Wear Retainers After Braces?

The longevity of wearing retainers will depend on the patient and the condition of their teeth. It can be as quick as four months, but it can also reach up to 12 months or longer. To have a more accurate timeline, it’s best to consult with your orthodontist in West Windsor about this.

What Happens If You Don’t Wear Your Retainers After Braces?

As mentioned previously, wearing retainers is absolutely necessary in order to prevent your teeth from reverting back into their original position. Neglecting it will just put all the work done by the braces go to waste, and you may need to wear a new set of braces again which will prolong the entire treatment.

How to Properly Care For Your Retainers

In order to preserve your retainers and prevent them from breaking which will make you end up spending more money, it’s important to take good care of them. Here are some helpful tips on how to properly care for your retainers after braces treatment.

#1 – Avoid specific foods

Refrain from eating crunchy food like carrots, hard candies, nuts, etc. to keep your retainers at low risk of breakage.

#2 – Clean your retainer daily

Brush your retainers every day so that it’s not riddled with bacteria, eliminating odor and plaque. You can soak it in mouthwash as another means of cleaning it.

#3 – Use the protective case

If you have removable retainers, then they need to be stored properly when not in use. This also prevents it from getting lost or thrown away.

#4 – Retainers should always be moisturized

Retainers can dry out if they’re not kept moisturized. They can get damaged so you can moisturize them by soaking them in cold water, in mouthwash mixed with water, or using liquids designed for retaining moisture for retainers.

#5 – Keep retainer away from heat

The heat is strong enough to damage the plastic or wire if left exposed for too long. Never leave them under direct sunlight, inside the car, near the stove, etc.

Retainers After Braces


Retainers are crucial for the second phase of your treatment after braces. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Nicozisis for inquiries and concerns regarding retainers and he’ll be happy to help you!