Invisalign Vs. Braces: Which Is The Right Choice For You?

It can be hard to decide between Invisalign and braces. To help make the decision you need to gather information and make a pro and con list titling it “Invisalign Vs. Braces: Which Is The Right Choice For You?” Your orthodontist will recommend a treatment plan of either braces or Invisalign to help you decide.


Invisalign is a set of clear aligners used to straighten teeth. While there are other benefits to Invisalign over braces, one of the main reasons for choosing clear aligners is that they are invisible and removable. They draw less attention to your teeth and eating won’t be difficult as food won’t get caught. They are more comfortable and there is no discomfort from the wires or brackets.

Some patients may have some discomfort from tooth movement. To avoid staining of the teeth the patient must brush and floss after each meal. They must also remove the aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. Additional cleaning of the trays is a requirement, using either the Invisalign Cleaning system or brushing and rinsing the aligners in warm water.

Invisalign is not suitable for all patients.  This method is not suitable for those with bridgework or that have back tooth bite issues. If there is a need to rotate canines or premolars then braces will be needed. Some patients will also lack the self-discipline to keep the aligners on for the required 22 hours.


Braces are a set of metal or ceramic brackets that connect with a thin archwire used to straighten teeth. Orthodontists will recommend braces for more complicated concerns with teeth straightening. Also, self-discipline won’t be an issue because there are no aligners to leave out. Because the braces are affixed to the teeth, no extra steps will be needed for cleaning. The patient can keep them clean with normal brushing and flossing.

With braces, there may be pain or discomfort from the wires, brackets, or the movement of the teeth. Due to the hardware making mouth hygiene more difficult there may be tooth wear or discoloration. Hard or sticky foods can damage the brackets or wires so the patient should avoid eating these types of food. Also, patients who play contact sports should avoid braces as an option if possible.

Invisalign Vs. Braces: Which Is The Right Choice For You?

Meeting with an orthodontist who can help you decide is important. Dr. Jonathan Nicozisi has been an orthodontist since 1997. West Windsor Orthodontics is your local orthodontic specialist. We are ready and available to discuss your treatment options.

Contact West Windsor Orthodontics at 609 275 0100 today to discuss your options.