Broken Braces Brackets or Wires? Here’s 5 Things You Can Do

Metal and ceramic braces in West Windsor, NJ, are held in place with small brackets connected with wires. Accidents may happen that can lead to broken braces, brackets, or wires, such as eating hard foods, chewing on hard objects, or playing contact sports. It is important to be aware of the potential of these possible orthodontic emergencies and what you can do to address them.

Broken Braces Brackets or Wire Situations

Here are some of the possible things that can happen to your braces when accidentally chew hard and sticky foods or experience trauma to the mouth:

  • Loose brackets
  • Brackets coming out from the teeth due to broken braces bands
  • Loosened or broken wires
  • Bent archwire or broken hook

If you experience any of these, there are some remedies you can do to temporarily reduce the discomfort and protect your braces from further damage.

#1 – Put braces wax over broken wire ends.

If you have broken wires, the most important thing is to ensure the broken end does not scratch or poke your mouth or gums. Braces wax is available at the orthodontic office and can be used to cover broken wire ends.

To put braces wax on broken wire ends, clean the damaged area with a cotton swab and water first. Then, apply braces and wax over the damaged area. Make sure to smooth out the wax so that it covers broken wire ends completely.

#2 – When a bracket becomes loose, put it back in place with tweezers.

If a bracket has become loose, it can be put back into place using tweezers. You must schedule an appointment for your orthodontist to place it, but you can manage it beforehand. First, clean the bracket and the area around it with a cotton swab and water. Then, use tweezers to push the bracket back into place gently.

#3 – If a bracket is removed, try to save it.

Broken Braces Brackets

If a bracket has broken off, you should try to find the broken pieces and bring them with you to your orthodontist. Place it in a sealed plastic bag and bring it with you to the appointment. This will make it easier for your orthodontist to repair the broken braces bracket in the same area.

#4 – Avoid putting pressure on the damaged area.

If you have broken braces brackets or wires, it is important to avoid putting pressure on the broken area. Refrain from eating hard and sticky foods and chewing on hard objects. Also, try not to play contact sports until the broken braces have been repaired. This will help reduce further damage and keep your braces from becoming more broken.

#5 – Call your orthodontist for an appointment right away.

If you experience broken braces, brackets, or wires, it is important to contact your orthodontist for an appointment right away. Your orthodontist can assess the broken area and provide you with tips on how to manage broken braces brackets or wires. During your appointment, your orthodontist will be able to repair broken braces brackets and adjust other broken parts of your orthodontic appliance.

Taking Care of Your Braces

Sadly, emergencies may happen even when you are careful. However, there are some things you can do to minimize broken braces brackets, or wires. Check out this list of tips to help you take care of your braces:

  • Avoid eating hard and sticky foods.
  • Chew on the back molars on both sides of your mouth.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently.
  • Cut food into smaller pieces to make it easier to chew.
  • Cut down on sugary foods and drinks.
  • Wear mouthguards when playing contact sports.

By following these tips, you can reduce your chances of broken braces brackets and take care of your orthodontic appliance. If any accidents do happen, you can also look for the nearest orthodontic office and book an emergency appointment.

Consult Dr. Nicozisis in West Windsor, NJ

Broken Braces Brackets

To make sure you are getting the most out of your braces treatment, you should consult with a trusted orthodontist. Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis is a nationally recognized orthodontist in West Windsor, NJ who can help you with broken braces, brackets, and any other orthodontic needs.

He has been working with orthodontic patients since 1997 and is experienced in creating beautiful smiles. He and his team specialize in offering state-of-the-art orthodontic treatments and services, such as braces and Invisalign. As a matter of fact, Dr. Nicozisis is a member of the Invisalign National Speaker’s Bureau and Clinical Research Network.

At West Windsor Orthodontics, we offer treatments equipped with proper care and instructions to make sure broken braces brackets are no longer an issue. We have the right equipment, expertise, and experience to make sure broken braces brackets do not become a recurring problem. Call us today to schedule an appointment!